Established 2003

Remodeled 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Six Weeks Old

So I've been really bad at posting things more than once a week on our blog, but I've been really good at being a great mommy and a wife! Yesterday Claire and I went grocery shopping (a feat in itself!) and saved 53 dollars--and only spent 35!! Woo-hoo! I'm kind of excited about the coupon shopping!

So Tuesday was Claire's six week birthday and yesterday was my six week OB appt. All is well and I'm healing great, although Claire cried the entire visit. She has been SO fussy lately--not fun for mommy and daddy!

Here's the pics with her best friend Raggedy Ann!
Doesn't it look like she's actually looking at the camera! So cute!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Five Weeks Old!

Yesterday was Claire's five week birthday! Above is a "family self portrait" and below she is with her best friend Raggedy Ann. So big! Today we took her to the doctor and she is 13 lbs 10 oz, 23 inches long, and she SMILED at the doctor...He thinks she is SO smart and so do I!
So cute and sleepy on daddy's chest!
On Mother's Day I read while Jason made us lunch!
Love my Moby! Still getting used to it, (and so is Claire as you can see)...but it's fun and will be great for getting work done when she has more head control!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Grandma!

Here's a picture of my baby wearing her new outfit from grandma...Grandma's on vacation this week and is missing the baby Claire...So here you go grandma--we love you and miss you too!! Happy Mother's Day!
Look at those beautiful eyes!
"I'm the cutest, chubbiest baby in the whole wide world!"
She found her thumb! I love the cuteness--and don't even care about the thumbsucking!
And the cutest bottom on the planet--look at that heart!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week Four

Week Four has been fun--Claire is starting to be so much more aware of her surroundings, looking around, seeing us, paying attention to what we are doing around her...and even smiling a lot (not necessarily at us, but still...)

Today she is four weeks old! Wow!
Look at those beautiful!
And those toesers!!! Love them!!
This is a dress that my grandma bought for me when I was a newborn...There's a picture of my grandma holding me wearing it...and my mom wanted one too! So cute!