Established 2003

Remodeled 2009

Saturday, March 28, 2009

being breech

The baby is breech and there is a scheduled c-section for April 7th.

Say a prayer for flipping...cause I would MUCH rather do a regular old, painful vaginal birth.

We'll see.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Weeks 34, 35, and 36...and some sadness!

Our computer crashed the other day, and our hard-drive failed, and all my pictures are gone...luckily, most are backed up somewhere else, but I think I might've lost some of the last few weeks belly pictures. That's what happens when you let yourself get three weeks behind on blogging I guess.

Anyway--I'm off work now, which is surreal and very strange, but they want to watch my blood pressure very closely cause it's creeping up to the unsafe zone. My feet, ankles, and toes are so swollen and no amount of "putting them up" really helps. I wake up every morning to my huge toes touching eachother and my legs and arm asleep. Nobody really thinks I'll make it to 40 weeks, whether I go early or they induce me, I'm not sure...

Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good...and ready for the baby to come. I'm not sick of being pregnant, but to have her here would be pretty darn cool. I think I'm just praying for one or two more weeks...we have an ultrasound tomorrow, so I'll try to post the new pictures when we get them!! :)

Have a great day all!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week 32 & 33

Week 32

Week 33

My belly is getting big...and that baby is getting hard, fat, and stuffed!
And little did you know...At week 33, my baby turns into a honeydew melon! Yikes!

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