Established 2003

Remodeled 2009

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Being so Behind...and on Christmas Break!

So I am so behind with the belly pictures, but I guess you'll all live. I've been on Christmas break and life just happens, so deal. And now tomorrow I'm going to Chicago with the Whaite Family, so pictures of me and my life will just have to be postponed even more. Luckily, the baby is still the size of a mango, so you all can rest soundly tonight knowing that...

I had to go to the after-hours clinic today to get a huge staph infection thingy drained off my leg. Yuck. Pretty painful, but I'm on pregnancy-safe drugs right now, so that's a good thing. It's even feeling a bit better, which is a relief after three days of walking like a gorilla to keep my legs from rubbing together....

You all love me for sharing. I know.

Let's see if I can find any Christmas pictures on the computer to add to this amazing post....

Nope none. They must all still be on my computer...and that is where they'll stay until I get back from CHICAGO with the fam! :) :) :)

Hope everybody has a great week--and a Happy New Year!!!! 2009 sure holds some exciting firsts for the Kotarski family...and for that, the drink of the day (and the week I guess) is champagne that I will NOT be drinking on Wednesday night, but will be toasting with something less-alcoholic, that being sparkling grape juice, probably....

Love you all!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Week 22!!!!! Whoa!!!!

I didn't change my pants tonight, so you get a glimpse of my lifesaver pajama pants...oh well! :)

This is week 22! The baby can hear us talking and is going to love her some heavy-metal...or not. Probably will be a fan of Chris Thile and Nickel Creek if my husband has anything to do with it!

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Melting Pot

This weekend we traveled to Novi to have a fancy dinner at the Melting Pot with the July's and Buckley's...As birthdays for Jori and Jason, but more importantly, as a "last hurrah" for the July's before their baby is born on January 9th! We had so much fun cooking our own food over the fondue pots, chatting, and reflecting on all God's blessings throughout the past year...There are so many!

(if you want to see the pictures better, you can click on the image and see a bigger picture--I couldn't figure out how to make it bigger and not blurry! :( )
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Decorating for Christmas!

This week we decorated our house for Christmas...Here's a few highlights! We got the cutest little ornament from a family at church that says "Parents-to-be 2008"...So cute and a great addition to our beautiful, yet non-thematic tree! :) Merry Christmas everybody! I'm in the spirit!
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Monday, December 8, 2008

AND IT'S A....

GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen??

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Being Behind...

So I'm really behind, but wanted you all to know that our baby is the size of a banana (the length, actually), and that tomorrow at 2:30 is the big ultrasound day...and we ARE finding out the gender, and we ARE very excited!!!!

We have belly pictures and Christmas decoration pictures and Melting Pot Celebration pictures, but right now is 30 Rock Husband Time and so I have to go do that!!

:)And in reminiscence of the beginning of our blogging days, the drink of the day was hot oil that we cooked raw meat in at the Melting Pot, and yummy coffee that my husband drank after chocolate fondue (but not me--I still have an aversion!!!)!

Love you all!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

And one more Tag!!!

Barb also tagged me (probably even longer than a month and a half ago...) to play Memory Loss Meme (what this strange "meme" word means is news to me). To play along, you have to go to sixth photo folder and choose your sixth photo to share. Since I'm sitting at the laptop, and we just got it in the spring, this will not be a million years ago, but more recent...But that's okay! I'm not too anal about it all!! :)
This picture is my husband walking along Lake Michigan after a long afternoon of Letterboxing. We had gone to Lake Harbor Park, next door to Maranatha, to scavenger hunt our way to some new stamps for our book, and had found three out of the four hidden treasures...This is just me, taking a picture of my husband by the lake!! :)

Tagged about a million years ago!!!!

So about a month (or more) ago, my friend Barb tagged me to complete this blog about Things I value and do not value...Since I'm sitting here "resting" like the doctor told me to do this morning, AND since I'm not throwing up like I have been for the past 36 hours, I thought I could catch up...

Things I value:
1. my relationship with Jesus Christ: without this friend and Savior, my life would not be complete, and my future would be hopeless
2. my family: my parents for what they taught me as I grew up, how they raised me to love people, and how they have helped me get to where I am today AND my husband for how he makes me laugh, takes care of me, and makes my life fuller and more fun
3. my church: a place where I can be real, be honest, serve God, and where my best friends are!!
4. relationships: I love people!!! Enough said...
5. my college education: thanks to my parents and a few upcoming loans, I can be secure in my job, and move forward towards whatever is in store for my future...

Things I do not value:
1. hate
2. hypocrisy
3. judgement

So if you want to play along, please do!! I'd love to read what you value!!!