Established 2003

Remodeled 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

Christmas Time Fun!

Even though the break went way too did seem really long--and Jason and I got to do a lot of fun things with our family and friends...Here's a few snippets from the Break...

Sibling Game Day...where siblings get together and play all the games in the Kotarski household until their brains start to hurt and they get sick of each other.

The Whaite Family Christmas...Two Days early this year, but just as much fun as always!

Elizabeth Marie helping Jason open his BIRTHDAY presents on Christmas Day...yes, and we did celebrate with a yummy carrot cake, too, made by my wonderful sister!

The Whaite Fam took a trip to Chicago for four days in honor of Grandma Voltenburg too...what a blast!

Here we are at the Museum of Science and Industry with the pooping cow...luckily for all you, we didn't get the poop in the picture!

We also got to see Wicked at the Oriental Theater, which was awesome and a blast, and although we didn't take any pictures, I looked HOT that night!
Jason painted the baby's room over break, looks awesome, and my dad helped us put up the crib, so I'll have to post some pictures of that later this week!!

But the big news of the Christmas break was that our best friends, Tony and Jori July had their little baby girl on January 2nd, 2009! Elizabeth Ann July was 7 lbs 11oz and, what, 20.5 inches I think! Yay for babies! A little overwhelming, cause it makes my baby seem even so much more real, but altogether awesome, awesome awesome!!
Congratulations guys! We love you and can't wait to have our baby girls grow up together!!!!
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Catching Up in a Major Way!!

Well...Here I am again! It's definitely been awhile...I've been cleaning, organizing, and generally making my husband crazy with errands and jobs for the past few weeks, and this is not even "nesting" time yet.

I'm way behind on the blogging, so these next few will be quick catch-up blogs...Over the holidays we got behind on the belly pictures, which makes me forget which week I actually am in, but going back through the pictures, I realized...

Here's Week 23...Still the size of a papaya, but it's ears work now, and I started to feel it kicking a lot more!

Here's Week 24...Christmas day with the family and my new pajamas from my husband..hopefully they won't be too big to wear post-baby cause they're really cute!! The baby's still the size of a papaya...and it has many fully developed parts--including lungs I think!

Week 25 in Chicago at the Museum of Science and Industry...This is a heat sensor, so we were just impressed by the very orange-ness of my bun in the oven! :)...The baby is now the size of an eggplant!

And here's week 26...back at home and back to school...the countdown to Spring Break Begins!! :)

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