Established 2003

Remodeled 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

12 Weeks Old!

Well...12 weeks old...Can't believe that! Look at that smile too...Claire is getting so big! We had to purchase the next size cloth diapers cause those cute little small fuzzibunz were just not cuttin' it. Much better fit and we're learning what we like...The diaper in the picture is Imse Vimse and it has cute little zoo animals on it...Claire is so cute with her cloth diapered bottom!

If you look really closely, her shirt says "Babies United for BreastMilk"...It was an omen for the morning really...She was protesting with her shirt, even though daddy got her dressed...
We're going to try to start giving her a morning bottle as much as we can to get her used to those things...She hates them right now, but has to learn so I can go back to work in the fall...It makes me think very hard about health care and the United States and why mothers don't get more time off to be with their babies. It is just so sad to me that I'm frustrated that my baby DOESN'T want the bottle...when I love nursing her, and she's so good at it, and it's so good for her and I. I'm so thankful to have all this time to just be with her and nurse her and not have to worry about bottles and pumping--four whole months! I'm so lucky really! We should all move to France where moms have a whole year paid maternity leave...oh to be so lucky!

Anyway--enough of a rant....I love my baby girl and am having so much fun seeing what she can do! This morning she grabbed my shirt and tried to pull herself closer to me....oh so cute! And I can't believe that next Tuesday she will be 3 months old! The time really does fly and I can't believe she's so big! :)

Happy 12 week birthday, Miss Claire!


Unknown said...

Good luck with the bottle!! I know...I wish I could BF Adam 100% of the time (I'm loving the summer home with him!!!)...but at least we CAN provide milk when we're not around, thanks to a pump. If only we just wear our babies to work every day...;-) think anyone would notice? We just need an 'office' between our two rooms and hire a babysitter and let the kiddos camp out there all day and we can feed them when we need to! :-)

Meg from Megs A Mommy! said...

Keep trying with the bottles, even if she gets really mad. It's heartbreaking, I know, but eventually they stop fighting it. Logan is a champ at his morning bubba's with daddy.

I love how their little personalities turn on little by little. I bet she was trying to give you kisses!!